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“It is not a gradual approach to the truth. It is rather an increasing ocean of mutually incompatible (and perhaps even incommensurable) alternatives, each single theory, each fairy tale, each myth that is part of the collection forcing the others into greater articulation and all of them contributing via this process of competition, to the development of our consciousness.”
Jyanzi Kong citing Feyerabend,
Geometry of the Unconscious: An Uncertain Truth in Architecture
Pg. 73
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Name: Shanice Ng (Shan)

Alias: SIRKL

An artist whose deep passion is seeing art in disciplines that are not classified under art.

Shanice (b. 1997) also longs to be officially classified as a curator after taking a shallow dip into the practice; an ‘underrated yet rewarding experience’ she says. She is also a gamer, designer, coffee addict and parody of a philosopher who spends too much time on YouTube & games [Genshin Impact, COD: Mobile etc.]. She takes comfort from the little gratifications of life, and has little to no interest in the corporate rat-race.

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She believes that art is a question rather than a statement; this sentiment spills over onto the art created that feels unresolved/uncanny/mundane. Her works tend to inquire at meta-levels, resulting in works that juggle between macro and micro. Becoming almost technical in presentation. But she is determined to continue making ‘boring’ art, because modern society and life is already a spectacle.

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Co-curated LASALLE's BA Fine Arts Year 3 Students W.I.P. Show ‘Root:Re_Route

  • co-created curatorial narrative

  • co-planned exhibition layout

  • designed promotional visuals


Curated LASALLE’s 1st online One Night Only (ONO) show ‘Bridging Normalities

  • assumed ‘Head Curator’

  • directed curatorial narrative

  • designed Instagram showcase visuals

  • co-managed logistics, admin etc.

[entirely curated by student curators]

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Curated & participated in an original online art-show using Mojang's Minecraft, ‘Craftcube_Openworld

  • original production

  • directed & designed visuals for social media/documenting etc.

  • co-managed marketing, logistics, admin etc.


Participated in iLight Marina Bay

  • co-designed & built 'The Swing and the Bubbling Turbine'

  • worked in a team to create 'The Clockwork Series'

  • involved in proposal pitch

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Participated in 'GoLi - The Moving Theatre' by


  • designed & coordinated the set up of 'SCENES' (Signage)

  • managed logistics, resource management etc.

  • active aide in on site construction of proposed designs


Participated in 'Design for Change' Singapore

  • co-designed & curated schematics for proposed invention

  • active aide in creative brainstorming & product testing

"So Jesus stood still and called them, and said, "What do you want Me to do for you?" They said to Him, "Lord that our eyes may be opened." So Jesus had compassion and touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him.
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Matthew 20 : 32-33
New Kings James Version
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